One of Connecticut's premier wineries
Nestled in the beautiful White Hills of Shelton, Connecticut, lies one of the state's premier wineries. Established in 1999 by an experienced 6th-generation farmer, Jones Winery is truly a treasure for guests to cherish and enjoy.
For over 150 years, six generations of the Jones family have farmed their land in the White Hills of Shelton, Connecticut. The Jones Winery continues the family tradition of growing high-quality crops that celebrate the great bounty of local farmlands. The farm’s vineyard and famous berry harvests allow the winery to create a wonderful selection of traditional grape and specialty fruit wines.
The Tasting Room is located in our renovated 19th-century historic dairy barn. Guests sample six to seven of the winery’s distinctive wines and receive a complimentary logo wine glass. Guests will enjoy learning about wine tasting, Connecticut winemaking, and the farm’s history in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere from our well-educated staff.
With the Jones family’s commitment to Connecticut agricultural excellence, the Jones wines proudly showcase the best of Connecticut. We have excellent vineyards because we know great wines can only come from great vines. We believe a Connecticut winery should feature Connecticut fruit, and therefore, we have one of the highest percentages of Connecticut fruit in our wines. In our 20 years of winemaking, we are now making over 20 high-quality wines.